Roll of Honour

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday  9th August at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Principal’s Award:

Juliette Commitment

For showing commitment to BVPS by initiating our Olympic Assembly with former student & Australian Olympian, Michele Timms.

Nominated by their Teacher:

PW  Monty  Commitment                        

For demonstrating commitment to his learning.  Well done Monty for always trying your best in class.

12P  Elpida Commitment                        

For making great improvements in all areas of her learning demonstrating persistence and a willingness to ‘have a go’.

23P Angus Respect

For working with such positivity and respectful behaviour.  I am so proud of you

34W Omar Commitment

For making improvements in his understanding of equivalent fractions and showing a commitment to his learning.

56G Lucie Commitment

For embracing feedback and mistakes along the way to help improve her work.

56S Anna Responsibility

For always being organised for learning and creating a positive learning environment for others.

ART Prep W Commitment

For showing care and detail when working on their texture fish during Art.

LOTE 12P Commitment

For demonstrating a strong commitment to learning. As a class you collectively maintained focus and made appropriate decisions to work effectively.

PE 56S Respect

For creating a respectful and positive learning environment for the whole class to enjoy.

Nominated by their Peers:

12P  Dimitra Pride                                         

For helping to keep our classroom neat and tidy.

23P Angelina Respect                 

For being kind to everyone and not leaving anyone out.     

34W  Annie Commitment                        

For doing her best during all the events on Athletics Day.

56G Nick Respect

For being supportive and encouraging towards all of his peers.

56S Jack Integrity

For helping others when they ask for it.