Principal’s Update

25 July

A warm welcome back to everyone or Term 3. I hope you all enjoyed the recent school holidays, and your family are feeling well rested for the term ahead. This term promises to another busy 10 weeks of learning. Our teachers have spent considerable time planning out the term ahead and the related curriculum programs and extra-curricular activities. It will be an actioned packed term. Please find included in this newsletter a week by week summary of events taking place in Term 3. I hope this helps with planning and organising as a family.


A special welcome to our new families that have joined us this term. Brendan in Prep and Kimberley and her sibling Troy, who have both joined 23P and 12P respectively. A warm welcome to you and your families to the Belle Vue community.


Well done to all the staff and students who attended camp at the end of Term 2. It was a cold but rewarding few days and our students showed tremendous teamwork, resilience and cooperation throughout the three days. A special thank you to Sanja Sarov who attended as a parent volunteer.


Please remember the Green and Gold Olympic themed day on Friday 2 August. We ask for a gold coin donation and students can show their support to the Australian Olympic team by wearing Green and Gold.

The following Friday on the 9th of August, between 11.15-1.15pm we will be holding our own Olympics themed day, with different events and activities that students will have fun and participate. The day will be about having fun as a community and building Olympic pride and students can choose to wear a colour of their choice representing the colours of the Olympic Rings. Parents/carers are welcome to attend.


At Belle Vue, we value a Balance approach to mathematics teaching and learning. To create a rich and balanced mathematics program, students will need to experience a range of lesson structures, task types and pedagogies in any sequence of learning. We recognise the importance of fundamental knowledge and skills in maths teaching and learning, but we also value opportunities for students to be engaged mathematical learning that is connected to real-world situations and to encourage creative problem solving, build understanding, foster fluency, and develop reasoning skills.

To give you a sense of what maths in our classrooms looks like, we are hosting a maths mania afternoon. We invite all students and their parent/carers to come down to school, complete some fun maths activities as a family. When you complete each activity from each class in the BER you can collect a stamp. Submit your completed stamp card for a chance to win a prize. This afternoon is an opportunity for our community to build an understanding of what maths does look like in our classrooms.

Andrew Wood