Principal’s Update 6 June


Congratulations to Jonah, Sam, Ethan, Olivia, Anna. Lucas and Juliet for competing at the recent Division Cross Country Event at Ruffy Lake. Our students did exceptionally well and represented Belle Vue to the highest degree. Well done to you all.


We all recognise the importance of strong home-school partnerships and the role this relationship plays in optimising your child’s learning and wellbeing outcomes. We greatly value open and honest communication between parents/carers so we can work together to meet your child’s needs. The more we know the more we are better equipped to put in place adjustments and accommodations so your child can experience success at school. However, we also know that at times certain life events can impact upon achieving optimal wellbeing and your child may need extra or more specialised support that teachers are not qualified or skilled to provide.

To support with this, we have developed a connection with ISN Psychology Services in Kew, who offer a range of assessments and therapy sessions. ISN provide services in:

• counselling to help with life’s problems including adjustment, trauma, and social difficulties

• educational and developmental support to help with learning difficulties, disorders like ADHD and difficult behaviour, or with developing social skills

• help to deal with mental health problems like childhood depression, teenage depression, childhood anxiety, teenage anxiety, teenage stress and adult stress

If you feel this is something that could support your child’s learning and/or wellbeing needs, please contact myself or Stacey Paterson directly and we can support with a referral process.


We are getting very excited for our upcoming Year 3/4 camp at the end of Term. In the coming weeks, students in Year 3/4 will start some in class learning tasks, to help build some familiarity with the camp, its activities and facilities. This will be a fun filled experience for all and I am looking forward to attending camp with our students.

Please ensure payments are completed by June 14 and to return the completed medical form. Under DET requirements, all students attending camp must complete the Medical Form, even if your child does not require any medication and/or has any existing medical conditions.

Please reach and contact the school if you are experiencing any difficulties with payments.


Friday the 23rd of August is the date for our parent/carer community evening full of fun carnival themed games. We will have more information closer to the time. We desperately need community support with donations, so please reach out to Katie Willy if you can support in anyway.