Principal’s Update 23 May

As a Child Safe Organisation, we are committed to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly organisation, where children and young people are safe and feel safe. All members of our community have a responsibility in this.

We all know and understand how important your children are to you and we prioritise your child’s emotional and social wellbeing, putting in place a range of multi-tiered systems of support to identify and then meet your child’s needs. Contemporary research consistently finds a strong and proactive partnership between home and school is a significant factor in improved wellbeing and learning outcomes for students.

One of the key enablers of improving student health, wellbeing and learning outcomes is through a sustained and strong Home-School Partnership. At Belle Vue Primary School we value a strong culture of community support and engagement.

We encourage you to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher if you have any concerns, so we can work together in unison to support your child.

Please come and speak to your child’s teacher or come and speak to me directly, so we can take proactive steps to identify and manage any risk of harm to students in our school environment. When child safety concerns are raised or identified, we treat these seriously and will respond promptly and thoroughly. 


A big congratulations again to all of our students who participated in the recent District Cross Country Event. Overall, we placed 3rd in the small schools’ division.  A wonderful achievement. We are so proud of our students and their efforts running in 2km and 3km distances. They all represented Belle Vue with integrity, and great sportspersonship too. We also congratulate our students who are off to the next stage of Division. Students who have progressed to this event have been provided with information about dates and times for this next stage. We wish you all the very best.


We are very excited to share with the community our annual parent/carer fundraiser evening for August the 23rd, full of fun, laughter and nostalgia. Based on community feedback, this year’s theme has moved away from a Trivia Night and we are working towards a ‘Big Kids Carnival’ themed evening. It is sure to be another evening of enjoyment for all.

These sorts of events require a community effort and we are asking for volunteers to help and support the event. If you are interested, please contact Katie Willy directly by email or by phone 0417 341 627.

Early next week via both COMPASS and your child, we will be sending home a short letter that we hope you can share with retailers, shops etc during your normal weekly and/or weekend time, asking for donations to our event. You do not need to collect any donations, but simply hand over the letter. Within the letter, everything is explained to the retailer. Your support with this is greatly appreciated and will contribute to a successful fundraiser for our students towards a Gaga ball Pit.