Principal’s Update – 14 December

Dear Belle Vue Families,

What a wonderful occasion to acknowledge and celebrate our Yr 6s at their graduation ceremony this week. A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion – the culmination of years of hard work; of the goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes achieved. As the principal in their final year of primary education here at Belle Vue, it has been my pleasure and privilege to have witnessed everyday both as individuals and as a collective, how they have exemplified our school values, and have strived every day to be the best version of themselves and have set a benchmark as role models, school leaders and proud members of the Belle Vue Community. They have led with humility, gratitude and courage. Congratulations to them all and we wish them all the very best for their future endeavours.

I would like to acknowledge our many parent helpers who have contributed to our celebration evening. These events do not just happen by default and special thank you to everyone who helped bring this ceremony together.

To our amazing staff here at Belle Vue, for your professionalism, and commitment to these students. Over the years and for everything you have done to support, encourage, push, and pull them to this moment – thank you.

A special mention to Mr G, Ms Anstee who spent many, many hours preparing our students for their ceremony last night and also to Ms Raymond and Ms Donaldson as our Yr 6 teachers earlier this year for everything you all did to support our students to take next step onto highs school.

At our final farewell assembly this coming Friday at 2.45pm, we will also acknowledge and celebrate our Yr6s as a school. Families are invited to attend.


As we approach the end of the school year, we also say farewell to a number of Belle Vue families, who will officially end their time with us on December 20th. I would like to wish the families below all the very best and we wish you all a very fond farewell. Thank you all for being part of our school and contributing so positively to our community. Please know that you will always be part of the Belle Vue Community and Family.

The Arunachalam Family

The Bongale Family

The Boyle Family

The Broad Family

The Cashel Family

The Chaudhary Family

The Chen Family

The Daneshgar family

The Dinh Family

The Fardin Family

The Fiora Family

The Hollingworth-Darmos Family

The Kim Family

The Liew Family

The Nguyen Family

The Olsen family

The Philpin Family

The Sureddy Family

The Tuscano Family


Earlier this year, we applied for funding to replace the artificial turf on the netball court in the Senior Playground at the Southern end of the school. This funding is part of the $10 million North East Community Fund aimed at bringing lasting community benefits to areas most impacted by the construction of North East Link tunnelling. M80 Ring Road Completion, Eastern Freeway Upgrades.

We were successful with this grant application and we will receive $54,880.80 to replace the artificial turf of the netball court. This is an exciting project and facilities upgrade for the school. Just as importantly, it symbolises the idea that as a school we are not going anywhere and we have many exciting initiatives and plans for our wonderful school in the coming years, that we want new families to be part of.


Term 1:

Monday 29 January – Curriculum/Student Free Day

Tuesday 30th January – All students start back at school

Monday 11 March – Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday March 12 – Curriculum/Student Free Day

Wednesday Feb 28/Thursday Feb 29 – (Getting to Know You Interviews)

Thursday March 14 – STOMP Open Air Concert/Community Welcome BBQ

Thursday 28 March – Last day of Term 2 (2.30pm finish)

Term 2:

Monday 15th April – First Day of Term 2

Thursday 25th of April – ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Friday 26th of April – Curriculum/Student Free Day


On behalf of the staff, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer as a family.

Travel safe and enjoy the time together.