Roll of Honour – Term 4 Week 9

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 1st December at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Nominated by their Teacher:

Prep W  Angus

For always taking the time to ensure our classroom is a safe space, pushing in chairs and cleaning up activities.

12P Fred

For working well with his partner on his informative poster about the Giant Squid. Well done!

23P Stephen

For his persistent effort towards his information report. Well done Stephen!

34W Fred

For focusing on his own work and being kind and responsible to other students by helping them with their work.

56D Oliver

For being a reflective and mature member of our 5/6 D. Well done for displaying integrity and honesty this week.  

56G Evan

For being a positive member of our class, always contributing to discussions and working well in group situations.

Italian Lena-Grace

For always being committed to her learning and trying her best to recall Italian greetings.

P.E. Mary-Grace

For showing kindness and compassion towards her peers.

Staff Mr G

For organising an awesome camp for the year ⅚’s to attend. It was so much fun! Well done also for your effort on the Flying Fox. Shame about the landing!     

Nominated by their Peers:

Prep W Harley

For taking turns, sharing and being a great team member in any group activities.

12P Adila

For working hard on all of her work and being kind to everyone.

23P Evie

For showing respect towards her classmates and making positive choices.

34W Alexander

For dedicating his full effort to his work and for being funny to everyone and making them laugh.

56D Derek

For being kind, helpful and an awesome friend!

56G Aryan

For playing games outside by the rules and with a supportive and committed attitude.