Principal’s Update 2 November

Dear Belle Vue Families,


Grass pollen season, which typically runs from October to December each year in Victoria, brings an increase in asthma and hay fever symptoms. It also increases the risk of thunderstorm asthma. For people with asthma or hay fever, especially those who experience wheezing or coughing symptoms, thunderstorm asthma can be sudden, serious and even life threatening.

Belle Vue Primary School will implement a range of measures to keep our school community safe as the risk of thunderstorm asthma increases.

Many of our staff are trained in asthma first aid, and we will monitor the VicEmergency app to receive thunderstorm warnings. Where appropriate, we will also keep students indoors when weather forecasts identify greater risk. 

During the season, there are some things you can do to prepare and protect yourself and your family:

· If your child has ever had asthma, talk to your doctor about what you can do to help protect them from the risk of thunderstorm asthma this pollen season, including updating your asthma action plan. Taking an asthma preventer properly and regularly is key to preventing asthma, including thunderstorm asthma.

· If your child has hay fever, see your pharmacist or doctor for a hay fever treatment plan and check if you should have an asthma reliever puffer. These are available from a pharmacy without a prescription.

· If your child has hay fever and experiences wheezing and coughing, it is important to make sure they don’t also have asthma. Speak to your doctor about an asthma action plan.  

· Where possible, avoid being outside during thunderstorms from October to December, especially during the wind gusts that come before the storm. Go inside and close your doors and windows. If you have your air conditioning on, turn it to ‘recirculate’.

Protect yourself this pollen season – managing asthma and allergies matters.


For more information, speak to your doctor. You can also visit the Better Health Channel website.


It has been truly wonderful to witness the joy and pride our students have experienced in recent weeks, specifically our annual art show, the Year 5/6 Enterprise Days and just this week, with our swimming program. I would like to acknowledge all of the parent/carer support we continue to receive, helping to set up the art show, supporting our swimming program and the assistance our Yr 5/6 students received at home with their stalls as part of the enterprise days. Not only do these events further strengthen the home-school partnership but provides authentic opportunities for students to shine across different areas. The Yr 56 Enterprise days in particular, provided a genuine opportunity for students to exercise their voice and agency to influence and direct their learning.


In the lead up to Remembrance Day on Saturday, November 11th, we will hold a special assembly on Friday November 10th at 11:15am to remember those who fought for our country.

The JSC representatives from each class will lay a wreath by the flag poles and students will share reflections to commemorate this important day. 
Poppies, wrist bands and key chains are available for purchase at the office to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal, supporting Australian Veterans and their families.


A very happy birthday to Emily, Kyan, Olivia B and Brian who celebrated a birthday recently.


A wonderful example of student leadership and agency with our Yr 6 sustainability leaders, initiating and implementing the actions below.

Foil Ball Initiative

-Why: Aluminium foil can only be recycled in Melbourne if it is clean and scrunched into a ball no smaller than fist. 

-Aim: So our aim is to raise awareness about the need to recycle, and to learn how we need to recycle certain items in specific ways. To recycle all the aluminium foil that is brought into Belle Vue!

-What: Classes making foil balls.

-How: Students/classes to collect clean (wiped or rinsed) aluminium foil from lunch boxes to make class foil balls. NOT to bring UNUSED FOIL from home or to start using foil instead of more sustainable packaging!!! 

-When: Now until end of Week 9

Belle Vue Clean Up Day

-Why: The sustainability team have been noticing that there is a lot of rubbish outside in the playground. 

-Aim: To help everyone take pride in our school and take responsibility for the waste/litter in our environment. 

-What: Clean Up Belle Vue Day

-How: Each class will be assigned a ‘zone’ in the school grounds to clean up. Each class will be given some buckets, tongs and rubbish bags. Students asked to please bring their own gloves from home so we can be more sustainable (but there’ll be some spares if needed).

-When: WEEK 8 FRIDAY 24th NOVEMBER SESSION 5. First 20 mins of session 5.

Waste Free Wednesdays

This initiative is continuing this term. Please keep trying to have waste free lunch boxes, particularly on Wednesdays. If you do bring waste, please take it home so that it can be recycled where possible (‘carry in, carry out’).