Roll of Honour Term 4 Week 5

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 3rd November at 2:30pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Nominated by their Teacher:

Prep W  Elena                              

For persisting hard with her reading and writing, making huge                       improvements. Well done Elena! 

12P Dimitra                           

For working hard at the table and persisting with challenging tasks. Keep up the great work!

23P Dyson

For showing responsibility by making positive choices in the classroom and playground. Well done Dyson, keep it up!

34W Riya

For being responsible for her learning and working respectfully with others during group activities.  

56D Lucie

For working so hard and completing her tasks to such a great standard. Well done Lucie.    

56G Mary-Grace

For showing great team work and enthusiasm during our Enterprise unit.  


Owen For being very imaginative and creative when making his mask.


Sophie For always showing excellent sportsperson behaviour during PE.


Anna For an outstanding effort at the Regional Athletics Carnival.

Nominated by their Peers:

Prep W Fischer                           

For including others in his play, and playing in a more respectful way.                       

12P Phoenix 

For improving his listening on the floor.

23P Damien                            

For being inclusive and respectful towards friends in the playground.

34W Jason M

For being respectful to others and playing games fairly.   

56D Jason G

For being thoughtful and helpful during enterprise projects.

56G Olivia

For being focused with her work and always giving her best effort.