Roll of Honour Term 4 Week 3

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 20th October at 2:30pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Nominated by their Teacher:

Prep W   Georgette                           

For being a fantastic role model for her classmates, pushing herself with her learning and following instructions beautifully.

12P  Paddy                             

For demonstrating excellent persistence in all work tasks, never giving up and always trying his best.

23P Ariya

For consistently displaying our school and class values and being a role model to her peers.

34W Justin

For all his persistence and commitment when making improvements to his reading skills.

56D Livinia

For her ability to inspire and motivate fellow students in a positive manner.  We appreciate all that you do.  

56G Chelsea

For being open and receptive to feedback and other ideas/opinions.

Art All Students

For their fantastic work displayed in the Art Show

PE Turel

For having a great attitude towards PE this term.  

Nominated by their Peers:

Prep W Micah

For following rules in games and including everyone.

12P Eva

For listening to the teacher and always working hard.

23P Isabella

For focusing in class and being a kind friend.

34W Blane

For including others by helping them to laugh and being fun to play with.

56D Jonah

For always helping his peers and being friendly.

56G Abigail

For being a dedicated and highly organised member of her Enterprise group.