Principal’s Update 14 September

Dear Belle Vue Families,


A big congratulations to the 47 Belle Vue students who competed at the District Athletics carnival on Monday 4th September, 2023.  Fifteen schools and over 950 students attended the event run by School Sport Victoria at Doncaster athletics track.

Belle Vue students did a fantastic job of representing our school as they showed the qualities that make great sportswomen and men. After a day of fierce competition, I am very pleased and proud to announce that we did such a fantastic job! Belle Vue took home the winning shield for the small school’s division- GO BELLE VUE!!

In addition, a special mention to Anna, Sienna, Lena-Grace, Evan, Olivia L, Olivia B and Aston who performed at an exceptionally high level. As a result, they have now qualified to complete at Division Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 11th October at Tom Kelly Athletics track in Doncaster Good luck!
A special thank you to the teachers and parents who came along and supported the team. 


What a truly amazing evening on Tuesday with our Belle Vue Bush Dance. It was truly wonderful to see the smiles and genuine enjoyment form everyone who participated, and I am sure your children loved sharing that experience with you. I spoke to the band during their pack down, and they also made specific mention of such a wonderful school community and

that positive impression we made on them. Thank you to Leanne Anstee for organising this event for our community and providing another rich educational experience for our students and creating the time and space for our students to shine and enjoy this experience.


It has been wonderful to see parents/carers supporting our students and teachers in class as part of our Learning Partners Program. We highly value parent/carer input and support into our students’ learning both in the classroom and out. We are always looking for more to join the program and even if you only have 30mins to offer a week, please contact your child’s teacher and they can talk you through the process to sign up. Thank you, all of our volunteers.


Thank you to everyone who volunteered some time for our recent Father’s Day/special person stall. As always, our students enjoyed purchasing some items and I am sure they were well enjoyed by the father’s and special persons in our community. A big thank you to our Parents and Friends Group for setting up and organising a successful stall.


I want to acknowledge both Penelope and Juliette Kozak as a wonderful example of student voice and agency. Earlier this term both girls wrote a letter to the Saint Kilda Football club, requesting some players to visit Belle Vue as part of our Footy Day/Sports team celebrations. As a Saints supporter myself, I was more than happy to support both girls with the letter. As a result of the initiative and action taken by Juliette and Penelope, we will be getting a short visit this Friday the 15th between 12.00-1.00pm from several AFLW players from the Saint Kilda Football club. 


We are all doing an amazing job and putting in a super effort raising money through the School Fun Run. We have raised just under $7,000. Keep up the amazing effort over the holidays. If we make a target of $8,000, every student will get an icy pole the end of Week 1 next term and if we make $10,000 Mr Wood will happily get slimed in front of the whole school.


A reminder school will finish tomorrow at 2.30pm. We will have a short farewell assembly at 2.15 in the senior building, followed by students returning to class before being dismissed at 2.30pm.

I want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday. If you are heading away, travel safe and we look forward to a safe return for Term 4, on Monday 2nd of October.

Please be aware of some important dates in Term 4.:

Whole School Swimming Program – Oct 30- Nov 3

Year 5/6 Camp Nov 20 – Nov 22

Professional Practice Day Nov 6 (No students required at school)

End of year class parties/celebrations Dec 15th

End of Term 4 – Dec 20th