Roll of Honour Term 3 Week 8

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 8th September at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside at the Open Area).

Nominated by their Teacher:

Prep W Aahaan  

For always giving thoughtful answers during class discussions.              

12P Angus

For working hard at the table and improving his focus on all learning tasks. Keep up the great work!                                                                          

23P William  

For persisting and challenging himself in his work.  

34W Baaran

For being persistent with learning tasks and carefully focusing on what questions are asking her to do.

56RAD Bani

For being a respectful and hard working student. You always listen and focus during learning time and put in your best effort.

Caitlin For being extremely focused and hardworking throughout the whole Belle Vue Book Awards story writing process.

56G Fergus

For continually contributing to our class discussions and having pride by completing  work to the best of his ability.

Art Phoenix

For working so hard on his weaving piece. It is truly beautiful. Well done for your persistence Phoenix.

PE Harry

For showing excellent enthusiasm and leadership during athletics training.

Italian Jack

For showing confidence and enthusiasm when speaking Italian. Bravissimo! 

Nominated by their Peers:

Prep W Benson

For always playing by the rules in games and taking turns.

12P Zahara

For being an excellent group member and helping everyone with their learning.

23P Raziel

For being friendly and fair when he plays by the rules.  

34W Yugo

For showing integrity and fairness by listening to other people’s suggestions when deciding what games to play.    

56RAD Livinia

For working very hard on EnviroDay and helping teach everybody about looking after the environment. Well done!

Ellie For being kind and positive towards others in the playground.

56G Evan

For making choices to create a positive working environment in class and being inclusive of others in the playground.