Term 3 nel aula d’italiano

A snapshot of what all grades have been upto in term 3 so far –

Prep – Our prep students have been busy learning colours – they are extending on their prior learning of colours by attempting to learn the meaning of other colours not previously explored. This includes recognising the colours visually, orally and in written form. We are now commencing a unit on ‘gli animali’ (animals) where we will learn animal names as well as notice that in Italian the sounds that people associate with animals are different to the sounds we think of for animals in Australia

Preps learning about gli animali
Preps learning about gli animali

Grade 1/2 – Are exploring ‘I giorni della settimana’ (days of the week) and ‘I mesi dell’anno’ (months of the year) and other language associated with these topics. We will use this knowledge of language learnt to express the date and when our birthdays occur. Students are currently learning a poem ‘La settimana dei fiori’ (The week of flowers).

Il gioco della memoria using i mesi dell'anno (months of the year)
Il gioco della memoria (memory) using i mesi dell’anno (months of the year)
Completing a cercaparole (wordsearch) on i mesi dell'anno (months of the year)
Completing a cercaparole (wordsearch) on i mesi dell’anno (months of the year)

Grade 3/4 – Students are exploring language associated with ‘il viso’ (our facial appearance). They are noticing that in Italian adjectives come after nouns, that the adjective must ‘agree’ with the noun, i.e. instead of occhi azzurro it’s occhi azzurri (both noun and adjective must have the same letter on the end) . Students are learning to express what they look like as well as make observations about the charactistics of others.

Grade 5/6 – Students have been exploring ‘I numeri’ (numbers 1-1000) as well as language associated with ‘la matematica’ (mathematics). They have been using this knowledge to solve mathematical equations. The students are now starting a unit of work on ‘che ore sono?’ (what time is it?) They will learn to ask the time, express the time as well as use the Italian language to express what they do at different times of the day.

Look up by date

July 2024