L’aula d’italiano

With term 2 drawing to a close, here is what all the grades have been up to in the Italian classroom.

Preps have been learning about numbers and body parts. We have learnt about the story of Pinocchio, been memorising nouns for body parts and been singing along to ‘La Canzone di Geppetto’ (Geppetto’s song) and ‘Testa, spalle, ginocchia e piedi’ (Heads, shoulders, knees and feet).

You can practice at home too:

Testa, spalle, ginocchia e piedi

We have also been playing ‘Simone Dice’ (Simon Says) and making ‘Pinocchio’ puppets. Here is a photo of our wonderful work.

Prep Pinocchio Puppets
Prep Pinocchio Puppets

Grade 1/2 have been learning about ‘lo sport’, we have been noticing similarities between the English and Italian language. We have also learnt to express whether or not we play a sport. Students are now exploring ‘I pasti’ (meals) and learning nouns for various foods they eat at different times of the day. We used this new vocabulary to explore the concept that in the Italian language nouns are gendered (they can be masculine/boy or feminine/girl). We have also learnt to ask our friends what they eat/drink for various meals.

The 1/2s finding out what their friends eat for various meals - Che mangi per colazione? (What do you eat for breakfast?)
The 1/2s role playing – finding out what their friends eat for various meals – Che mangi per colazione? (What do you eat for breakfast?)

Grade 3/4 have been learning nouns for foods, recognising those nouns in singular and plural form as well as expressing their likes and dislikes in relation to food. They have learnt to ask how to a request goods in Italian and they are now writing a role play where students request to buy items within a store.

Grade 5/6 have been exploring countries and nationalities as well as learning the correct use of articles and articulated prepositions at the front of nouns. They have explored this idea that adjective (i.e. nationality) spelling changes according to the gender of the subject. Students have been writing a role play in which they apply this grammatical knowledge. The role play is centred on getting to know the cultural heritage of another person and their family – i.e. Da dove vieni? (Where are you from?), da dove viene tua mamma? (Where is you mum from?) etc.

It’s hard to believe another term is drawing to a close, time flies!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy upcoming break,

Signorina Piacentini.

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July 2024