
August 2018
A copy of the letter sent out to parents about the Grade 3/4 Camp can be found by clicking here.
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Last week was the annual art show extravaganza! Thank you to everyone who came along to share on this magnificent night. Thanks also to everyone that helped make this art show a great success.  It was great to see so many families enjoying the students artworks and catching up with each other. Below are some photos of...
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3/4 used unifix and MAB to become little architects to demonstrate and calculate the Volume (L x W x H) for appropriate buildings. They used their buildings and their objects to determine the volume by using the familiar metric units (cubic centimetres). See below pictures of their work in progress – showing great team work!
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   What a fantastic day we had celebrating Book Week at Belle Vue! We started our day off by having a parade – showing off our wonderful costumes! Students and staff of the Belle Vue community dressed as their favourite character from a book that they treasure. Everyone looked brilliant!           Students...
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Today the grade 1/2s had an amazing time in their ICT/coding sessions!     We got to use a robot car with a camera and virtual reality (VR) goggles!       Students got to wear the VR goggles to ‘look through’ the camera which was attached to the robot car. This was very fun!...
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Students in grades 1 & 2 have been exploring money over the past fortnight. During this time they have added up totals, converted between dollars and cents and learnt all about Australian currency. For this activity students were required to use a pricelist for a theme park and plan their day. They recorded the things...
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Throwback to Grandparent’s and Special Friend’s Day in 1/2B! And what a beautiful day it was!  
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This year’s State Schools Spectacular, ‘With the Beat’, is fast approaching! Belle Vue senior choir students have been practising hard at home and at school. Recently, we headed to the Town Hall in the city for the first ‘mass choir’ rehearsal, with all of the other primary school choirs.     It was very exciting...
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Our lovely preps have reached 100 Days of School! We enjoyed a special assembly on Friday celebrating all the learning and hard work they have been doing in their first 100 Days! We started our assembly by singing some songs for everyone! Then each student did a speech on what they have learnt and enjoyed...
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August 2018