
March 2018
The prep students have been having a fabulous time during ICT lessons on Thursdays with Ric! We have been learning about the functions of all the buttons on the keyboard and have been practicing finding the letters quickly! We are getting faster each week! We have also been practicing using the mouse pad! We have...
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Solving puzzles and coding go hand in hand. The link below is only a taste of what has to offer.  These are ideal for Preps, Grade 1 and Grade 2. As the complexity
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This week Prep W & Prep G were lucky enough to try out some yoga and relaxation techniques. Sarah from STOMP dance company taught the Preps how to move their bodies into different positions, how to adjust their breathing and how to relax their bodies and minds. We loved the session! Some of them were so relaxed, they nearly...
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The Year 1/2 students have made an excellent start to the year settling in to their new classrooms and getting to know each other. In Maths we have been working on addition, subtraction, and mapping. In English we have been working on predicting, learning new spelling words, anagrams, and homonyms, and in Writing we have been writing...
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Mondays are always fun days in grade 1/2! Students work with all grade 1/2 teachers to participate in sport, music, and art-based integrated activities. Below are some pictures of the grade 1/2 students who created some collaborative artworks this week about different communities: urban, suburban, rural and seaside communities. These are also on display outside 1/2...
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Very visual and very useful for young students learning about technology
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Good and powerful programming system. Students code using blocks and the turtle
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Probably the most extensive and well documented website to learn to code (computer programming)  
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March 2018