
March 2018
Respect is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard; it conveys
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In Grades 5 and 6, we  support students as they develop into confident, independent, happy and reflective learners. To assist students in reaching their full potential, our teachers collaboratively design meaningful and engaging units of work. As part of our Term 1 Integrated unit, students have been exploring the concept of Identity. This will assist students...
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A major highlight of our Grade 5/6 program is Interschool Sports. On a weekly basis, our Grade 5/6 students compete against local schools. In Term 1, students are learning how to play softball, cricket, hot shoty tennis and volleyball. Participating in Interschool Sports not only encourages healthy and active lifestyles, it provides our students with opportunities to...
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Last Wednesday, 21 March, 2018 the whole school celebrated ‘Harmony week’ with our annual ‘Multicultural day’. The day started with a parade, students came in wonderful costumes representative of their cultures. It was evident that a lot of thought and effort went into the costumes which was fantastic to see. The parade was followed by...
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Our prep students had a great time celebrating their first Multicultural Day at Belle Vue Primary! We learnt about and celebrated all our different cultural backgrounds! All students looked fantastic dressed up in an outfit that represents their cultural background! We learnt about lots of different cultures around the world, created harmony paper chains and also learnt...
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MEASUREMENT – HEIGHT AND LENGTH 3/4 have been exploring measurement in maths and comparing their height to the width of a long jump to see if how far they can jump depends on their height. In groups, they used a tape measure, chalk and an an outside space to do long jump (no run off)....
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At Belle Vue Primary School, we believe in teaching the ‘whole child’ and supporting students’ academic, social, emotional and personal wellbeing. A major highlight for Grade 5 students is our Buddy Program. Throughout Term 1, students have been getting to know their new prep buddies for 2018. By participating in collaborative sessions each fortnight, Grade...
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The Grade 3/4 Newsletter for Term 1 can be read by clicking here.
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Students in Grade 3 and 4 have been working on their understanding of place value. In particular they have been using expanded notation to express large numbers in different ways. For example, the number 25,482 can be expressed as 2,548 tens. Following whole class discussions the students consolidated their understanding by practising their knowledge using...
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March 2018