
September 2017
Prep W received a visit from Ranger Kim from the Philip Island Nature Park. She spoke to us about how we can look after the environment, to protect our native animals. We learnt a lot about Little Penguins, as well as other animals that live on and around Philip Island. One student was lucky enough...
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As a conclusion to our Push and Pull Integrated Studies unit, this week the students in grades 1 and 2 presented their sustainable playground designs and models.
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The year 5/6 and 1/2 students enjoyed playing two of their favourite games in music this week.       The first game is called Moving Detectives. One student is chosen as the leader and one student is chosen as the detective. Students stand in a circle and when the music starts the leader moves...
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Ciao a tutti, It is hard to believe that in two short weeks term 3 will be over! As always, we have been keeping busy in the Italian classroom. Preps, grade 1s and 2s have been learning about vocabulary surrounding ‘La famiglia’ (family). Grades 1/2s have been using this vocabulary to begin to understand the gendering of...
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This week for maths the grade 1/2 students have been looking closely at angles. We have identified acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles and had great fun.
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September 2017