
2023 Prin-update
JUNIOR ROCKERS TERM 2 CONCERT Congratulations to all of our performers at last week’s term 2 Junior Rockers after school concert. It was really lovely to see so many of our students who have been learning an instrument taking up the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience. Thank you to our families...
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DIVISON CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to Jonah, Sam, Ethan, Olivia, Anna. Lucas and Juliet for competing at the recent Division Cross Country Event at Ruffy Lake. Our students did exceptionally well and represented Belle Vue to the highest degree. Well done to you all. ISN PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC We all recognise the importance of strong home-school partnerships...
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As a Child Safe Organisation, we are committed to creating and maintaining a child safe and child-friendly organisation, where children and young people are safe and feel safe. All members of our community have a responsibility in this. We all know and understand how important your children are to you and we prioritise your child’s...
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All the very best to our runners representing Belle Vue at the District Cross Country event tomorrow at Macleay Park. A great achievement to all for making the team. Good luck to all and I am sure you will continue to display our school values when representing our school.  INTERSCHOOL SPORTS Our Year 56 Interschool...
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A very warm welcome back to all our Belle Vue families for Term 2. It has been a really settled and focused start to the term for our students. Every day at school counts and Term 2 provides a really important time for all students to build on the learning that took place in Term...
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The school vision is to create lifelong global learners who are prepared for their future and who will strive to continually improve themselves, their community, and the world. To achieve this vision our mission is to foster a safe and stimulating learning environment where all students are supported to achieve their full potential academically, socially...
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FAREWELL FRIDAY One of my many highlights of the week is visiting classes and engaging with the students on a regular basis and a new initiative we have implemented this year is ‘Farewell Friday.’ Farewell Friday is a dedicated time for me to visit every class and spend time with the students on a Friday...
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GETTING TO KNOW YOU INTERVIEWS March 6 and 7 will be our Getting to Know You Interview times, providing you and your child a one-on-one session with their teacher, as part of our commitment to building a strong relationship with every child in class and for us to best know your child, their needs and...
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WELCOME BACK A warm welcome to all of our returning or new families for 2024. I do hope you have all had a fantastic break over the summer. A special welcome to our new families, including our prep families to have joined the Belle Vue community this year. We look ahead to an exciting year...
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Dear Belle Vue Families, What a wonderful occasion to acknowledge and celebrate our Yr 6s at their graduation ceremony this week. A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion – the culmination of years of hard work; of the goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes achieved. As the principal in their final year of primary...
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July 2024