
Grade 5/6
In grade 5/6 at Belle Vue, we try to make maths as hands-on and realistic as possible. It’s important that students learn by doing and can see the connections between what they are learning and the real world.     Above are some of our students measuring the distance their paper planes traveled in order...
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Throughout term 2, the grade 5/6 students have been studying Australian Democracy. Building on from our first hand experiences in Canberra earlier in the year, we have explored the roles and responsibilities of government, the Australian democratic system, operations of parliament, the electoral process, along with looking at Federation and the different experiences and perspectives of...
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Belle Vue would like to congratulate our Hockey 7s teams who represented our school with great sportsmanship and pride on Friday 16th of June. For the majority of students, the day was their first exposure to the game of hockey. The students positivity and support towards each other throughout the day was outstanding and all...
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Earlier this year, Belle Vue celebrated our amazing diversity of cultures with our annual Multicultural Day!     Students got to participate in a variety of activities with a focus on different cultures. In one of the activities that the grade 5/6’s participated in, they learnt a bit about the Aboriginal people’s Dreaming.    ...
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Recently all students at Belle Vue participated in the First Aid Schools Program provided by St John Ambulance Australia.     Our grade 5/6 students learnt the basics of first aid including DRSABCD, putting someone in the recovery position and CPR.     The grade 5/6s took a lot of new information away from the...
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      Recently, the grade 5/6s travelled to Canberra for our camp. We visited some really enjoyable and interesting places, like the Australian War Memorial, Questacon, the Australian Institute of Sport, Parliament House, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Capital Exhibition, the National Museum of Australia and the High Court of Australia.    ...
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July 2024