
Grade 3/4
The Term 2 Newsletter can be viewed by clicking here.
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This year’s grade 3/4 camp took place at Camp Rumbug (near Foster North). Students were challenged by a wide variety of activities including abseiling, aeroball, flying fox, canoeing, raft building, orienteering, team challenge and a mud run. Students rose to the challenges and demonstrated the importance of the You Can Do It Keys (particularly the Term...
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This amended equipment list was sent out today and can be viewed by clicking here.
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All the final information sent out about this year’s camp can be found in the following document or by clicking here. This includes the emergency contact details. Further details, including the equipment list can be found further down this page.  
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Grade 3/4 students visited the Life Education Bus this week to learn all about Cyber Safety. This included the following: Safe and respectful behaviour online Responsible behaviours when using communication technology Strategies for keeping personal information safe online Building positive relationships with online and offline friends There was also a chance to meet Harold the...
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Students throughout the school took part in First Aid Training as part of St John’s Ambulance First Aid Schools Program. Students at the 3/4 level took part in discussions including the importance of DRSABCD (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR and Defibrillation). They also practised putting somebody into the recovery position.    ...
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Students at the 3/4 level have been working on lines and angles. As well as discussing, estimating and measuring acute, obtuse and right angles we also looked at how they are used in the real world. We made paper airplanes discussing each fold as we formed a range of right angles. We then tested our...
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Just Right Books
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to discuss how to select a “Just Right” book. These books can then be used for independent reading. In order to effectively do this, students need to be able to describe the features of a book that is too hard for them as well as a...
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The Grade 3/4 Term 1 Newsletter can be read by clicking here.
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Information about the Grade 3/4 Camp including all relevant forms can be found at the following links: Camp Letter to Parents Medical Information Form
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July 2024