
Grade 1/2
The 1/2 students enjoyed a fantastic incursion to finish their integrated unit on Mini Beasts. Students learnt about what makes a happy compost bin by dressing up as farmers, insects, birds, earthworms and the sun. We also explored the vegie patch to see how many mini beasts we could find. All in all it was...
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At Belle Vue, we believe that helping students learn how to be socially and emotionally healthy and happy, is one of our most important jobs. As part of the Social and Emotional Learning our students do, we give students opportunities to practise mindfulness. Practising mindfulness can assist with enhancing focus, managing stress and practising self-control. (To...
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Today the grade 1/2s had an amazing time in their ICT/coding sessions!     We got to use a robot car with a camera and virtual reality (VR) goggles!       Students got to wear the VR goggles to ‘look through’ the camera which was attached to the robot car. This was very fun!...
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Students in grades 1 & 2 have been exploring money over the past fortnight. During this time they have added up totals, converted between dollars and cents and learnt all about Australian currency. For this activity students were required to use a pricelist for a theme park and plan their day. They recorded the things...
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Throwback to Grandparent’s and Special Friend’s Day in 1/2B! And what a beautiful day it was!  
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In grade 1/2 students have been learning all about money. At the moment they have been exploring the connection between dollars and cents, and thinking about the change they will receive for purchasing different items. For this activity students needed to demonstrate their understanding of how many cents make up one dollar. They used coins to try and...
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Over the past two weeks, grade one and two students have been learning all about multiplication. They all understand that multiplication is a repetition of equal sized groups, and that these groups can be organised in different ways. For this activity, students were given a magic number and had to investigate how many different multiplication equations they...
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Grade 1 & 2 are learning all about things which grow this term. As part of this unit, students planted sunflower seeds and have been observing their changes closely. Last week we decided to replant the seeds into our garden beds because they were getting too big for their seedling trays. Here you can see some...
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This term’s integrated topic is “Watch It Grow”. The Students are learning about living things and what they need to survive and grow. The 1/2 students have planted their seeds and are keen to look after them and watch them grow! We recorded the planting process in our “Watch It Grow” journals. We are also checkinig them regularly and...
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As part of the grade 1/2 integrated unit ‘Watch it Grow’ students examined a range of different seeds. They learnt that seeds have all of the information required to grow an adult plant and that seeds can vary in terms of shape, size, colour and even location on a plant. For this activity students had...
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July 2024