
In grade 5/6 at Belle Vue, we try to make maths as hands-on and realistic as possible. It’s important that students learn by doing and can see the connections between what they are learning and the real world.     Above are some of our students measuring the distance their paper planes traveled in order...
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Ciao a tutti, It is hard to believe that in two short weeks term 3 will be over! As always, we have been keeping busy in the Italian classroom. Preps, grade 1s and 2s have been learning about vocabulary surrounding ‘La famiglia’ (family). Grades 1/2s have been using this vocabulary to begin to understand the gendering of...
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Week 2 of Term 3 and all grades are hard at work in the Italian classroom. Preps are learning names for animals and developing the understanding that culture influences representations of sounds such as those made by animals. Today we are using ‘Il Coccodrillo Come Fa?’ song to help us learn words for various animals...
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What an amazing day and night we all had last night!! Our annual Mid-Year Concert was the best yet – each and every student should be extremely proud of their efforts.
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Term 3 has flown, we have been keeping very busy! Preps have been learning body parts using songs such as ‘La Canzone di Geppetto’ (Geppetto’s song) and ‘Testa, spalle, Ginocchie e Piedi’ (Head, shoulders, knees and toes). They have been working hard on cutting and pasting the words for body parts and sticking them onto...
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Today in 1/2P we learnt about the language of computers, called coding.  Our challenge was to give the robot commands and make him light up all of the blue squares.
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Recently all students at Belle Vue participated in the First Aid Schools Program provided by St John Ambulance Australia.     Our grade 5/6 students learnt the basics of first aid including DRSABCD, putting someone in the recovery position and CPR.     The grade 5/6s took a lot of new information away from the...
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All the final information sent out about this year’s camp can be found in the following document or by clicking here. This includes the emergency contact details. Further details, including the equipment list can be found further down this page.  
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Below are some samples of the fantastic work out students have been doing in the Italian classroom, bravissimi!
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July 2024