
At Belle Vue, we believe that helping students learn how to be socially and emotionally healthy and happy, is one of our most important jobs. As part of the Social and Emotional Learning our students do, we give students opportunities to practise mindfulness. Practising mindfulness can assist with enhancing focus, managing stress and practising self-control. (To...
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3/4 used unifix and MAB to become little architects to demonstrate and calculate the Volume (L x W x H) for appropriate buildings. They used their buildings and their objects to determine the volume by using the familiar metric units (cubic centimetres). See below pictures of their work in progress – showing great team work!
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   What a fantastic day we had celebrating Book Week at Belle Vue! We started our day off by having a parade – showing off our wonderful costumes! Students and staff of the Belle Vue community dressed as their favourite character from a book that they treasure. Everyone looked brilliant!           Students...
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A snapshot of what all grades have been upto in term 3 so far – Prep – Our prep students have been busy learning colours – they are extending on their prior learning of colours by attempting to learn the meaning of other colours not previously explored. This includes recognising the colours visually, orally and in written form....
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With term 2 drawing to a close, here is what all the grades have been up to in the Italian classroom. Preps have been learning about numbers and body parts. We have learnt about the story of Pinocchio, been memorising nouns for body parts and been singing along to ‘La Canzone di Geppetto’ (Geppetto’s song)...
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Welcome back to term 2! We are now back into the swing of term in the Italian classroom. All the grades are busy learning about different elements  of the Italian language. Preps are learning to count 1-10 and recognising Italian numbers in their written form. Grade 1/2 are learning words for ‘lo sport’ (sports), did...
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Last Wednesday, 21 March, 2018 the whole school celebrated ‘Harmony week’ with our annual ‘Multicultural day’. The day started with a parade, students came in wonderful costumes representative of their cultures. It was evident that a lot of thought and effort went into the costumes which was fantastic to see. The parade was followed by...
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MEASUREMENT – HEIGHT AND LENGTH 3/4 have been exploring measurement in maths and comparing their height to the width of a long jump to see if how far they can jump depends on their height. In groups, they used a tape measure, chalk and an an outside space to do long jump (no run off)....
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Hi everyone, Term 1 is in full swing now, it is hard to believe that we are already in the fourth week of term! Preps have gotten off to an amazing start. They have learnt to greet in Italian, can sing the ‘ciao, buongiorno’ song and are currently exploring ‘I colori’ – we have been making...
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Throughout the year, students in year 5/6 have been lucky enough to work directly with our computer technician Ric, building up their understanding and skills in programming and robotics.   The learning started with students using computer programs and resources such as excel, flash, scratch and brainpop (blockly maze), to learn the basics of programming....
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July 2024