
The Preps have been at school for 100 days! Can you believe it? We held an amazing assembly to celebrate this wonderful day. Here we are getting ready before the assembly, waiting for the whole school and all the families to arrive. We started off the assembly singing some songs for everyone. We love singing!...
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Well done to the 2017 Preps at their first school concert! The danced their hearts out to ‘Happy’ and had the crowd clapping along. All the students did a wonderful job and they already can’t wait until next years concert!
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The Preps had a fantastic time on their visit to Scienceworks! In class we have been learning a lot about forces, push and pull, gravity and what things are made of. We explored all the different areas and had a great time with all the hands on exhibits! Thanks to Mrs S and our parent helpers...
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The Preps have been learning all about capacity this week. We’ve been enjoying lots of hands on activities, comparing the capacity of different containers and estimating the amount that they would hold. Here we are predicting which one would hold more, out of two containers. Then we measured to check: We tried our best to...
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This week Prep W have been learning about patterns! We made towers of blocks in 2 different colours, and then went to 3 and 4.  We even tried making patterns using 5 or 6 different colours! After our coloured block patterns, we made shape patterns!
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Today Prep W were learning about the letter Mm! The Preps were challenged to make groups of 4 and work out a way to make the letter Mm using all four bodies in the group. We did MMMMMMMAGNIFICENTLY well! Don’t we look MMMMMMMARVELOUS!
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July 2024