
All the Preps went on a fantastic excursion to SCIENCEWORKS! As part of our ‘On The Move’ topic, we went along to further our understanding of: Forces, such as push and pull Gravity Materials Toys, and how they move. We enjoyed a special presentation of ‘The Toys & Forces Show’, presented by a very funny...
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During week 3 our Prep students were learning all about measuring capacity! We discussed terms such as ‘full’, ’empty’ and ‘half empty’ and practiced measuring the capacity of a range of containers. We predicted the capacity of containers, ordering them from least to most, then checked to see if we were right! We used water,...
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Our prep students had a great time celebrating their first Multicultural Day at Belle Vue Primary! We learnt about and celebrated all our different cultural backgrounds! All students looked fantastic dressed up in an outfit that represents their cultural background! We learnt about lots of different cultures around the world, created harmony paper chains and also learnt...
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The prep students have been having a fabulous time during ICT lessons on Thursdays with Ric! We have been learning about the functions of all the buttons on the keyboard and have been practicing finding the letters quickly! We are getting faster each week! We have also been practicing using the mouse pad! We have...
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This week Prep W & Prep G were lucky enough to try out some yoga and relaxation techniques. Sarah from STOMP dance company taught the Preps how to move their bodies into different positions, how to adjust their breathing and how to relax their bodies and minds. We loved the session! Some of them were so relaxed, they nearly...
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Prep W & Prep G have made a wonderful start to their first year at school! Here are a couple of class photos of each class. We can’t wait to share more with you as the year progresses!
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This week the prep students finished making their pizze. Have a look at the finished product, bravi!  
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The Preps have been having a wonderful time learning about coding this term! We have been solving problems in pairs and working on directions together. We need to follow specific steps to ensure the computer can understand the code we put in. These lessons help us with our problem solving and computer language. We will...
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Prep W received a visit from Ranger Kim from the Philip Island Nature Park. She spoke to us about how we can look after the environment, to protect our native animals. We learnt a lot about Little Penguins, as well as other animals that live on and around Philip Island. One student was lucky enough...
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The Preps had a marvellous day dressing up as their favourite book characters, reading this years short listed books and enjoying a ‘Super Duper’ incursion. Here are some photos from throughout the day:
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July 2024