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The Preps have been having a wonderful time learning about coding this term! We have been solving problems in pairs and working on directions together. We need to follow specific steps to ensure the computer can understand the code we put in. These lessons help us with our problem solving and computer language. We will...
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Throughout the year, students in year 5/6 have been lucky enough to work directly with our computer technician Ric, building up their understanding and skills in programming and robotics.   The learning started with students using computer programs and resources such as excel, flash, scratch and brainpop (blockly maze), to learn the basics of programming....
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In grade 5/6 at Belle Vue, we try to make maths as hands-on and realistic as possible. It’s important that students learn by doing and can see the connections between what they are learning and the real world.     Above are some of our students measuring the distance their paper planes traveled in order...
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Prep W received a visit from Ranger Kim from the Philip Island Nature Park. She spoke to us about how we can look after the environment, to protect our native animals. We learnt a lot about Little Penguins, as well as other animals that live on and around Philip Island. One student was lucky enough...
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The year 5/6 and 1/2 students enjoyed playing two of their favourite games in music this week.       The first game is called Moving Detectives. One student is chosen as the leader and one student is chosen as the detective. Students stand in a circle and when the music starts the leader moves...
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Ciao a tutti, It is hard to believe that in two short weeks term 3 will be over! As always, we have been keeping busy in the Italian classroom. Preps, grade 1s and 2s have been learning about vocabulary surrounding ‘La famiglia’ (family). Grades 1/2s have been using this vocabulary to begin to understand the gendering of...
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The Preps had a marvellous day dressing up as their favourite book characters, reading this years short listed books and enjoying a ‘Super Duper’ incursion. Here are some photos from throughout the day:
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Prep students have been busy learning the different names for animals. We have been learning to sing the song ‘Il Coccodrillo Come Fa?’ and using the song to help us learn the names of the animals. Students have also developed an understanding that in Italy, children associate different sounds to what we do with some animals....
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The Preps have been at school for 100 days! Can you believe it? We held an amazing assembly to celebrate this wonderful day. Here we are getting ready before the assembly, waiting for the whole school and all the families to arrive. We started off the assembly singing some songs for everyone. We love singing!...
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The students of Belle Vue Primary have been exploring the work of artist Paul Klee.   They have discovered that Klee loved to use colours and geometric shapes in his work. Here some of our Prep students are creating their own version of Castle and the Sun. Their work is Stunning!  
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July 2024