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A snapshot of what all grades have been upto in term 3 so far – Prep – Our prep students have been busy learning colours – they are extending on their prior learning of colours by attempting to learn the meaning of other colours not previously explored. This includes recognising the colours visually, orally and in written form....
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In grade 1/2 students have been learning all about money. At the moment they have been exploring the connection between dollars and cents, and thinking about the change they will receive for purchasing different items. For this activity students needed to demonstrate their understanding of how many cents make up one dollar. They used coins to try and...
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Grade 3/4 students completed an explanation text as part of the term’s integrated topic. Students learned about the relationship between the sun, moon and earth. This helped them to explain seasons, shadows, night and day. They used a range of technical vocabulary including axis, tilt, rotation, revolve, equinox and solstice. The photos show some of the resulting...
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With term 2 drawing to a close, here is what all the grades have been up to in the Italian classroom. Preps have been learning about numbers and body parts. We have learnt about the story of Pinocchio, been memorising nouns for body parts and been singing along to ‘La Canzone di Geppetto’ (Geppetto’s song)...
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Over the past two weeks, grade one and two students have been learning all about multiplication. They all understand that multiplication is a repetition of equal sized groups, and that these groups can be organised in different ways. For this activity, students were given a magic number and had to investigate how many different multiplication equations they...
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Grade 1 & 2 are learning all about things which grow this term. As part of this unit, students planted sunflower seeds and have been observing their changes closely. Last week we decided to replant the seeds into our garden beds because they were getting too big for their seedling trays. Here you can see some...
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All the Preps went on a fantastic excursion to SCIENCEWORKS! As part of our ‘On The Move’ topic, we went along to further our understanding of: Forces, such as push and pull Gravity Materials Toys, and how they move. We enjoyed a special presentation of ‘The Toys & Forces Show’, presented by a very funny...
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During Education week, we held our annual Open Morning and Open Evening for prospective families in 2019 and beyond. All teachers were on board during the evening, presenting and talking to parents about all that Belle Vue has to offer. We spoke about the many wonderful programs in place at our school, and we hope to welcome...
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Ms Woodhouse, Mr Robinson and some very lucky Belle Vue students went to visit the children and staff at Manningham Rd Early Learning Centre. We ran a music session with the kinder students and talked to them about what school will be like next year. We took some very excited junior school students who used...
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This term’s integrated topic is “Watch It Grow”. The Students are learning about living things and what they need to survive and grow. The 1/2 students have planted their seeds and are keen to look after them and watch them grow! We recorded the planting process in our “Watch It Grow” journals. We are also checkinig them regularly and...
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July 2024