
Stacey Paterson
On Friday 14th February the students in grades 1 & 2 participated in an interactive incursion all about their bodies.
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During term 4 the students in grade Prep have been learning all about dance in the music time. Students have had fun learning about lots of different styles of dance including partner dances, traditional dances, rock & roll and our favourite, hip hop!  
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The students in grades 3 and 4 have enjoyed dancing as part of our music program this year. Students have danced to many different styles of music and have discussed the many varied ways that we can move to these different styles.
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At the beginning of term 4 the students in grades 1 and 2 completed a unit on poetry. We looked at acrostic poems, cinquains, rhyming poetry and using our
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Thank you to everyone who came to our working bee on Thursday afternoon. It was great to see so many parents and students helping to clean up our veggie patch and tidy up after our recent building works. As the old saying goes – many hands make light work 🙂
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As a conclusion to our Push and Pull Integrated Studies unit, this week the students in grades 1 and 2 presented their sustainable playground designs and models.
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This week for maths the grade 1/2 students have been looking closely at angles. We have identified acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles and had great fun.
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This week in 1/2P we have been investigating the forces of push and pull. We conducted 2 experiments – making balloon rockets and constructing paper helicopters.
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The students in grades 1 & 2 have been very busy this week learning all about money.
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What an amazing day and night we all had last night!! Our annual Mid-Year Concert was the best yet – each and every student should be extremely proud of their efforts.
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July 2024