
Clare Woodhouse
Prep W received a visit from Ranger Kim from the Philip Island Nature Park. She spoke to us about how we can look after the environment, to protect our native animals. We learnt a lot about Little Penguins, as well as other animals that live on and around Philip Island. One student was lucky enough...
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The Preps had a marvellous day dressing up as their favourite book characters, reading this years short listed books and enjoying a ‘Super Duper’ incursion. Here are some photos from throughout the day:
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The Preps have been at school for 100 days! Can you believe it? We held an amazing assembly to celebrate this wonderful day. Here we are getting ready before the assembly, waiting for the whole school and all the families to arrive. We started off the assembly singing some songs for everyone. We love singing!...
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Well done to the 2017 Preps at their first school concert! The danced their hearts out to ‘Happy’ and had the crowd clapping along. All the students did a wonderful job and they already can’t wait until next years concert!
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Last week both Blue and Green 4 y.o. groups from Bellevue kindergarten came to watch us rehearse for our school concert. The kinder kids had the absolute best time! Their teachers said it was hard to get them to leave, they loved the dances and the music so much! We can’t wait to do some more...
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On Monday, 6 lucky Preps visited their former kinder, Bellevue kindergarten. Ms Woodhouse & Melanie W (Alex’s Mum) walked them down the road to the eagerly awaiting kinder kids! Ms Woodhouse spoke to the kinder kids about what ‘big school’ is like. Each of the Preps shared their favourite thing about school and answered the...
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At Belle Vue we held our annual information evening during ‘Education Week’. All our staff spoke passionately to prospective Belle Vue families about what our school has to offer. We spoke of our values, the curriculum at each level, the wonderful events and all the extra-curricular activities that are part of Belle Vue Primary School. We hope to see...
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The Preps had a fantastic time on their visit to Scienceworks! In class we have been learning a lot about forces, push and pull, gravity and what things are made of. We explored all the different areas and had a great time with all the hands on exhibits! Thanks to Mrs S and our parent helpers...
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We took some former Yarraleen kinder students back in time to their old kinder this week! They had a wonderful time engaging in a music session with the kids and talking to them about what Belle Vue is like. Mr Robinson and Ms Anstee ran a wonderful session and we can’t wait to do some...
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On Monday we took some members of the Belle Vue Junior Choir, as well as our resident Art extraordinaire Leanne Anstee to Glass St Kindergarten. We sang ‘Get Back Up Again’ from the movie Trolls, and then worked with the kinder kids on a lovely Autumn activity run by Ms Anstee. We had a wonderful...
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July 2024