
In Prep, our Integrated topic for this term is ‘Weather in my World’. This week the ‘Big Question’ we explored in Prep G was ‘how and why does it rain?’ We began by thinking about when after it rains and there’s puddles on the ground, where does the rain go? Does it just disappear? How? We...
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In Prep G we have been learning about Multiplication! It has been very exciting learning this completely new concept for the students. Students began exploring multiplication by creating equal groups using play dough. They worked out their answer by creating their equal groups, then showed their working out through drawings.     We continued our practice using counters to...
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This term our Prep students have been learning all about Animals throughout their integrated studies topic ‘Staying Alive’. Throughout this topic we have been learning about: -Living vs Non-Living Things -Endangered and Extinct Animals -Animal Habitats and Diets -Classifying animals into Animal Groups including mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, amphibians and birds -How we can help...
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This week we were very busy judging our stories for the Belle Vue Book Awards! All the students worked very hard in Term 3, and wrote their very own picture story. We went through the whole writing process: We made a plan for our story which included: characters, the setting, the problem, the solution and the...
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During our ICT & Digital Technologies session last week, Ms Woodhouse & Ric showed Prep W how to take photos using the laptop cameras. We took some individual photos and group shots. Then we navigated our way through the laptop hard drive to find the folder where they are stored, so we could look at...
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A copy of the letter sent out to parents about the Grade 3/4 Camp can be found by clicking here.
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Last week was the annual art show extravaganza! Thank you to everyone who came along to share on this magnificent night. Thanks also to everyone that helped make this art show a great success.  It was great to see so many families enjoying the students artworks and catching up with each other. Below are some photos of...
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3/4 used unifix and MAB to become little architects to demonstrate and calculate the Volume (L x W x H) for appropriate buildings. They used their buildings and their objects to determine the volume by using the familiar metric units (cubic centimetres). See below pictures of their work in progress – showing great team work!
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   What a fantastic day we had celebrating Book Week at Belle Vue! We started our day off by having a parade – showing off our wonderful costumes! Students and staff of the Belle Vue community dressed as their favourite character from a book that they treasure. Everyone looked brilliant!           Students...
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Today the grade 1/2s had an amazing time in their ICT/coding sessions!     We got to use a robot car with a camera and virtual reality (VR) goggles!       Students got to wear the VR goggles to ‘look through’ the camera which was attached to the robot car. This was very fun!...
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July 2024